- How many kilometre is that? 那合多少公里?
- Another foul? How many is that, now? 又是坏球呀?现在一共几个球了?
- How many square feet is that studio? 那间套房有多少平方英?
- How many kilometres by train is it from Nanjing to Wuhan? 坐火车从南京到武汉有多远?
- Mr Lima: How many kilometres can I do with that petrol? 利马先生:这些汽油我能开多少公里?
- How much is that Swiss watch worth? 那只瑞士表值多少钱?
- How much is that football, Alice? 艾丽丝,那个足球多少钱?
- How much is that doggy in the window? 知道这只可爱的约克夏身价多少吗?
- I'm just looking.Ah, how much is that watch? 我只是看看。呃,那块手表多少钱?
- Is that so? So how much are you asking? 是吗?那么你们要价多少?
- B: I'm just looking.Ah, how much is that watch? 我只是看看。啊,这只表多少钱?
- How much is that blouse? Let's ask the price. 这件衬衣多少钱?让我们来问一下价钱。
- And how much is that cloned puppy in the window? 在橱窗里面的那头克隆小狗多少钱?
- How much is that doggie in the window? 看,橱窗里有着一条小狗,
- Next time you see lightning, count the number of second before you hear the thunder divide this number by 3. This will tell you how many kilometres away the thunderstorm is. 下次看到闪电时,你可以数一下需要几秒钟听到雷声,然后把这个数字除以3,就会知道打雷的地方离你有几公里远了。
- How much is that Peugeot incidentally, behind the Lancia? 顺便问一下,Lancia 后面的那个标致车多少钱?
- From gold mountain ridge (Jin Shan guesthouse parking lot) to how many kilometres of Shima platform reservoir? 从金山岭(金山宾馆停车场)到司马台水库多少公里?
- How much is that doggie in the window?The one with the wabbly tail. 看橱窗里有着一条小狗,它摇头摆尾可真逗。
- One kilometre is equivalent to two li. 一公里为二华里。
- How many days will the torch relay last at 28 th Olympic Games? How many kilometres will it cover? How many torchbearers? 第28界奥运会火炬传递将持续多少天?全程多少公里?多少火炬手将参与这次传递?